Where do we cultivate

We are in Molise, in the province of Isernia: here we grow all our products. Our region is a territory naturally voted to farming, a tradition that we want to pursue with same methodologies – through organic farming practice – and same aims, adding a pinch of innovation.



Vegetables and legumes cultivation takes place in the area of Macchiagodena (IS) at 630 meters above sea level, about 4 hectares of soil extended along Matese territory.

Quality of our products 100% organic is ensured by a process which focuses on environment and people; we pick up vegetables manually and ensure freshness and traceability.


Olive groves

Olive groves are distributed in different areas of Molise region, particularly prepared for olives farming and production of high-quality extra-virgin olive oil, indeed in the towns of Rocchetta al Volturno, Macchia d’Isernia. Leccino and Pendolino are the most common types cultivated according to sustainable and organic farming principles.

© 2025 DIBA Bio Innovative Farm -
VAT 00941460941